Everything You Need to Know About Slip on Flanges

Flanges are used to connect pipes, valves and other equipment in a piping system. Being flexible, it provides easy accessibility for cleaning, modification and inspection. A flange joint consist of flanges, gasket and bolting. All of these components are independent but interrelated to each other in a way. Bolting is used to connect more flanges and gasket is used between two flanges to provide a seal. In most of the cases of leakage and fire in the processing plants, flanges are the main offender. Although there is a variety of flanges available in the market, selecting that one which suits your requirements and provides zero leakage is an ideal one. Types of flanges: 1. Slip on flanges 2. Socket weld flange 3. Threaded flange 4. Blind flange 5. Lap joint flange 6. Welding neck flange Among all the above, slip on flange is one of the most popular flanges. Someone who is new to slip on flange may not understand the dimensions and technicalities be...